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Successful approaches for applying change management on your job site

Written by One Degree Editorial Team | Feb 3, 2020 1:00:00 PM

As a leader, it is often necessary to undertake change management to diminish business risk and ensure the highest construction quality. Applying change on your job site can be a challenging task but with a proper understanding, you can motivate team members and gain organizational buy-in. A good strategy when embarking on successful change management is to bear in mind it is an emotional process.

You are bound to face resistance when implementing change management techniques. Use your best judgment to pinpoint potential supporters and those who will be harder to gain buy-in from.

A savvy practice is to include resistant members of your organization on your change management planning team.

  • Create an open dialogue and welcome feedback to learn about specific issues that are causing resistance so you can deal with them appropriately.
  • Promote an environment in which all team members feel that they have something to gain from the changes.
  • Foster a sense of individual contribution to successes among each staff member to gain support. If necessary, consider involving the help of a professional change manager.

When technology is a part of change management and you are incorporating a new construction safety software, this may heighten opposition. Provide as much detailed education and training as possible to existing team members. However, management changes may also be required to properly support the integration of construction technology across the entirety of your organizational structure.


How organizations have excelled at achieving change management

Many advances accomplished in change management occurred due to leveraging technology. Organizational change case studies of companies with change strategies that are among the 25% with long-term success show how they optimized technology. Companies that have recognized the importance of nurturing innovation through the collaborative effort of the entire organization have been able to enact complete turnarounds amidst impending failure. Cultivating positive organizational behavior through the appreciation of ethical values and treatment of team members has been a key component of meeting change management goals.

Being flexible and open to construction software as an element of your compliance management and safety audits can help you achieve change. Organizations that were willing to adopt digital transformation into their workflow have been able to survive the societal shift toward greater reliance on technology. It is essential to eliminate fear among your staff so these survival tactics can be realized.


Change management may initiate fear within your team

When instituting a change management plan, it is helpful to understand why this may create a fearful reaction in your employees. People fear change because they are uncertain of the results and whether those consequences will be in their favor. Your team may resist your plans because they fear losing control or a job threat due to workplace changes.

Perhaps they are afraid of being unable to handle new duties associated with changes on your job site. The possibility of being required to work longer hours engaging in unfamiliar tasks they may be fired over can cause resistance. It can be intimidating to envision losing their jobs to new staff members who are more experienced and skilled at those particular functions. Understanding how to encourage members of your organization to accept changes will help you transition more smoothly.

 Companies that have recognized the importance of nurturing innovation through the collaborative effort of the entire organization have been able to enact complete turnarounds amidst impending failure. 

Ways to motivate staff while implementing change management

Creating enthusiasm for a change management agenda is more easily accomplished once you have knowledge of the reasons for your team's unwillingness. Showing respect and appreciation for their efforts will establish a greater likelihood of communication. Through these conversations, you can gain valuable input to improve your change management objectives.

Find out directly from your staff what motivational techniques they prefer. Use this feedback when devising incentives to increase productivity during workplace changes. Set an example by being a role model who displays the type of behavior you are seeking from employees. Show support by building relationships so they feel comfortable turning to you for advice rather than fearful of reprimand.

Encourage an atmosphere of innovation through your leadership so team members are less afraid of change. Rather than penalizing failed ideas, consider them to be learning lessons so your staff is not hesitant to express their creative input. Motivating them to conduct research about construction safety topics can also give them a sense of personal involvement in the change management process.


Ease fears to gain change management buy-in

Easing fears throughout all levels of your organization is imperative for gaining change management buy-in. For large companies, an agile transformation is often necessary and may involve hiring outside experts, such as trainers and consultants. In more massive businesses there is a greater hierarchical structure to navigate and regulations in place that would require revamping.

Be patient and prepared for enduring a potentially lengthy process. Beginning with obtaining buy-in from the least resistant members of your company will create momentum and inspire others to support the changes. Exhibiting your focus and commitment to the project over a long-term period of time will help you gain employee trust during changes. Showing yourself to be a strong leader during a stressful transition, treating your staff fairly and in a straightforward manner, and including them in the decision-making will enhance buy-in.

Implementing change on your job site involves a deep understanding of your team's fears, how to solve these concerns, and encourage their acceptance of these plans. Communicating honestly, being receptive to their questions, and providing routine updates can reduce change resistance.