HammerTech Blog | Insights on Construction Safety & Innovation

Advancing Construction Safety...One Summit at a Time

Written by HammerTech Editorial Team | Nov 15, 2019 6:12:00 PM

Every day at HammerTech, I talk with construction safety leaders about their challenges and triumphs in keeping their employees and subcontractors safe each day across their projects. And nearly every day, I read about incidences, injuries, and deaths that occur on jobsites around the country.

The compelling need in the construction industry for more efficient safety processes, improved communication and collaboration between field to office, better oversight into safety programs, and access to data to track leading vs. lagging indicators (trends that show what could happen vs. what has already—or nearly--occurred) is what led me to join a company that is trying to solve for those very issues with leading GCs who are working to do the same.

So, HammerTech is sponsoring Hanson Wade’s Advancing Construction Enterprise Risk Management Summit Dec. 2-4, 2019, and is sending me to Miami to dive into a conversation with general contractors, economic experts, and risk and insurance professionals around current trends and changes impacting the industry. In case you don’t know, HammerTech is an all-in, cloud-based safety and quality management platform that fits right into the theme of this event. The company has chosen to sponsor the summit to help make GCs aware of our solution, built by construction professionals, that has swept leading GCs across Australia (where HammerTech was born) and is now gaining momentum among US GCs. As an example, read more on why DPR has chosen HammerTech across its 1,200 projects nationwide.

The event web site says that we “will share best practices in mitigating significant macro-level risks to the firm…from economic trends and managing subcontractors to standardizing safety processes and purchasing suitable insurance.” I’m no expert on these topics by any means, but my goal of attending the summit is to understand more about this endlessly fascinating industry—even after 15 years working in construction technology, I have barely scratched the surface—and hopefully to contribute to the conversation based on what I’ve learned from our customers about the value of establishing and standardizing safety processes.

Personally, I’m eager to hear perspectives from the expert speakers, such as Dan Smolilo of Walsh Group and Nathan Wood of the Construction Progress Coalition, both of whom I have worked with in past endeavors. I’m also eager to make some new connections with risk, safety, and quality leaders from GCs across the country.

The event also serves as another motion in my journey to learn deeply about general safety requirements, risks and best practices across the industry, so I can better understand our customers’ challenges around safety and quality, and how technology can offer the support they need to overcome them.